Wednesday, April 15, 2015

1.) Luna's Reflections - RWS: The Hermit

So, the other day I was with a friend, I brought a deck of cards with me, because I always, always bring at least one deck with me when I go out or meet up with a friend. Just for something to do and in case I'd like to do a random reading or if I'm bored and want to look through the cards or do random self-reflection.

Anyway! I was randomly looking through my cards, my trusty old Rider Waite Deck, and I decided to pick out a card, I wasn't really thinking of anything nor did I ask anything from the cards. I just shuffled the deck and picked a card from the very top and I got....

The Hermit.
I had to chuckle at that one. Second time I've got that this week. Heh.
I've mentioned before that I had to accept my Hermit phase of my life.
I've always been awfully shy throughout my life, I was a bit more outgoing as a child, boundless energy and mischievous nature every child goes through, you know? But as soon as I hit pre-pubescent age, and after moving so much as a child and losing friends and not being able to keep a friend for long for one reason or another. I never did develop my "social skills" properly.
So you can guess that I spend a lot of time on my own. A lot of time on my own.

There was a time that I spent a lot of my time yearning and waiting around for the few friends I had to call me up and invite me out. I did this a lot and my pride would always fall and wound itself. I was never one to go out and make the initiative to invite someone out. I always felt like I was bothering them so I would creep back into the shell I kept around myself.

Now enough anecdotes! Hehe, kinda embarrassed to share all that. Oh well. c:

Anyway, my reflections towards the Hermit card: This card has always been known as someone who willingly takes the road most people don't take, this card is always about that person who doesn't follow the crowd but instead seeks fulfillment inside himself, this card is about the person who would rather have his own company than those of others. Basically this card should be called the "Introvert" card of the Major Arcana, haha!
I don't know, I would consider myself an introvert for the sake of that I'm quiet, I DO like my own company and I'm very shy. But I've come to learn that being introverted isn't just being shy, it's about liking, being fond and content being on your own. And I see that a lot in this card. I can see myself as the Hermit... But the thing is. It's lonely. It's lonely always being by yourself and having no one to talk to and sometimes, your own mind can be your worst enemy... And by being by yourself, your mind is almost always the only thing you have for company. It's just a matter of how you spend your time alone, I guess. I think what the Hermit card is trying to say to me is exactly that: To accept myself in my entirety. To do things I like, to do things I love, to do things I am passionate about... To reconnect with myself. To love myself. To be able to be content with my own company. I am me and I deserve to love myself, as any person should.

With this blog, I've been beginning to see that and it fills me with such warmth  and satisfaction. This site is my baby and this site has helped me so much this past week. Who knew writing would be so blissful? [Rhetorical question, hehe! I've just never experienced it to this extent I suppose.]

Well, that's all for now.

I'll see you on the flip side, darlings.

With love, hope and positive energies

- Luna.