Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Luna's Card(s) of the Day - RWS

This'll be short today but I was just messing around with my deck, shuffling and stuff and I decided I'd take a few cards out, I got 6 of Cups with the Shadow (bottom card.) being 8 of Swords. I didn't really delve deep in that set of cards so I just kept shuffling and went back to pick another card after shuffling it around in my hands.
Then I get this, Magician and 7 of Cups. I had to laugh when I got these cards and said to myself "I need to post this!"

The Magician is a man who has the resources, the skill and the experience to do the job, combine that with the 7 of Cups and it is blatantly saying, I may have all that, but I'm having too many ideas up in my head, having too many thoughts and ideas, but never really making it into a reality. It's within my reach, yet still so far.

I want a lot of things in life, especially for my writing, but I still can't get it done the way I want it. It's ironic. Heh.

That's basically it, it's not really long or delving too deep but I just had to share this and I don't feel all that well today, been so busy and doing so many things for so many people, I WANT TO SLEEP! Boohoohoo!


With love, hope and positive energies

- Luna.