Saturday, May 23, 2015

Cards of the Day. Internal Stalemate. Sword Suit, Where are you?!

Deck: Steampunk Tarot by Barbra Moore, Aly Fell.

Cards: Seven of Cups, Five of Wands.

Luna's Keywords: Passions at an impasse, indecisive by too much choices, too much to handle, too many choices to think of, Analysis Paralysis, internal battle caused by said Analysis Paralysis, Ideas fighting over one another thus causing a stalemate.

Hmm, my new format.

To be honest, I had these cards stored up in my drafts folder for the past few weeks, just waiting to be used. I drew these cards one day early on this month, I was really inspired and happy to see these cards pop up, however I could not find it in my heart to write anything down, as is the story of my existence. So, I ended up saving this, along with other cards I got or that I found very inspiring, inside my drafts folders for when I could find the energy, opportunity or the proper mood to write things out for them.
These two cards explain those certain, exact situations perfectly. Per-Fect-Ly. I am not kidding.

First comes the innocuous perusal of all these themes, topics, feelings and opinions you have:
"Which topic should I use today?"
"What can I talk about in my life that I can co-relate to this particular card?"
"What card can further portray what I am trying to say in my topic?"
"What theme should I use and show off today?"
"What kind of post can I do today?"
"What are my opinions and feelings concerning this topic and how can I best describe it to the best of my abilities without me wanting to pull my hair out?"

These are the questions I have to ask myself as I sit at my desk or on my bed, staring at a blank screen, either without scans of the cards or with pictures of the cards already on it, and thinking to myself, scanning and thinking deeply about the cards.
Sometimes, when the mood fits, I can write it out in a frenzy, like how I currently am doing at the moment, other times? I can't.
Like the last time I sent this particular set of cards deep within my drafts folder, I could not, for the life of me, sit down and finish writing, I couldn't even start on the first damn sentence!

I have too much to choose from but little motivation or passion or even because my body makes it hard for me to write anything, with mental blocks that I can actually, literally and can feel throbbing in a constant, dull thud on the forefront of my skull. Because of having too many options and too many questions, it makes me come to a stalemate with myself, an impasse, a dead-end.

Now for the Five of Wands, basically, it's the same thing as the Seven of Cups, but unlike the Cups Card, [which, in my opinion, is more of a passive card for me in this reading.] The Wands Card is very aggressive, very active, very energetic. Too energetic.
I have the same situation, too many ideas, too many questions, too many topics and cards to choose from to start writing, causing me take a step back and think. But instead of just simply abandoning the cards without much of a fight, knowing I can just get back to it at a later date, the energies of the Five of Wands makes it hard to let go. I go into an internal battle of "WRITE! I can't... WRITE DAMN IT! I don't wanna.... WRITE SOMETHING!" and it goes on and on and on...
Now I'm not obsessive, I really am not, but sometimes, it stays stuck in your head and sometimes I can't help but go back again and again to my site and just wanting, yearning and wishing for some energy and inspiration to write something meaningful. It's always an internal battle whenever I look at all the things I've written and going through my drafts folder. It makes my heart ache to know I could write something as I've written before but I can't because of some sort of mental block. [Where are the damn Sword cards when you need 'em?!]

I have the ideas, I have the passion for it, I even have the subject matter outlined inside my head, but sometimes, it's hard to write it down. I'm paralyzed by indecision.
I need to get my shit together, man.

Does anyone go through that as well?

With love, hope and positivity

- Luna.