Friday, May 8, 2015

Luna's Card of the Day: Steampunk - Death.

Death is about transformation, something must end before something else must begin, kind of thing.
Normally people get scared of the Death card, logically speaking they have every right to, if that is the first time they've gotten a reading.
Death is an interesting card, it can neither be good or bad nor can it just be simply neutral. This card is just... It is what it is.
If you are in an unhealthy relationship, this card is a blessing in disguise. It means it is time to move on, but if it appears whilst you're in a good situation in life, maybe it came up for your job, sure, the pay is good, you have some benefits, but maybe it's time for a change, it has become too monotonous and  routine. You find this job as more as a chore than anything. Now, if you were religious, this would be a certain sign of "Something better has been planned for you" type of thing.

Anyway, enough of that part of my rambling, time for my opinion on the matter.
As I first stared into this card, I got a flash of a scene. I've always found this certain Death card's interpretation kind of interesting, you can see such sadness within Death's face, maybe she has regret over taking the Man's loved one? Does that mean Death has feelings? That's very much human, don't you think?
As much as Death is interlocked with mortality and humans, why would Death look so forlorn and regretful? Those were my thoughts as I first stared at this card.
The scene in the back of my eyelids flickered, bit by bit, I saw the Man giving a small smile, laying his roses upon the tombstone as he visited his lost love, paying his respects and "catching up" with her about how his life was going. Wishing she was still with him. I digress.
I began to think, what if this Death, this woman, was the same one under that tombstone? She would come to visit him, one last time, as she looked on towards him as he smiled his soft smile, that smile she always remembered that he directed towards her just as if it were yesterday... But the thing is, it was time for her to move on.
I know this is sketchy at best, shaky and unstable ground for a story, but I donno, food for thought? I don't know, this card seemed so interconnected with the traditional 8 of Cups. Turning your back to something you love, knowing you need to move on for your own good. I should do a card comparison one day of that... Hm.

Anywho! As for her holding onto the Scythe and her dark angel wings, I don't know.. I feel like the dark wings could symbolize her sadness, but the fact that her wings are outstretched, as if she were about to take flight, could mean that no matter how melancholy and remorseful she was, she still needed to move on, both spiritually (emotionally and thru her wings) and physically (grounded and firmly decided, as she sat upon her horse.) Her Scythe, as she grips onto it, if you would look closer, she is holding both hands tightly onto the shaft of the Scythe, yet she sat steadily and firmly on her companion, deadset in her resolution, even if it broke her heart as each clop of the strong horse's hooves stomped onto the ground, away from her beloved. As she held onto the blade, it is her symbol of cutting things off, of killing it and ending the situation.
I wish I could explain this more intelligently and clearly, but honestly, with how long I've been gone from my writing, I'm just happy to be writing ANYTHING. I know I should be more meticulous and be a perfectionist, but I guess I'm not completely a perfectionist. I'm happy with what I have and what I write, sure, I'll be a bit embarrassed by what I just wrote, but it's who I am and it's mine.. All mine. I still have time to live and let learned.

With love, hope and positive energies
- Luna.