Tuesday, April 21, 2015

4.) Luna's Card Quotes - Hanson Roberts: Star.

"Never stop believing in hope,
because miracles happen everyday."
I know people have a lot of problems with sayings like, either for their religious beliefs or their personal opinions. I have a sort of indifference to "Miracles" but I do believe in hope.
Someone in my life helped me gain my hope. My hope for a future for myself, hope for the dreams I have, hope for the good in people.
Even though I don't trust a lot of people, I do know and hope for people to learn and improve themselves. Sometimes, it's nice to hope, sometimes, it's bad.
But having hope is never bad, don't ever let anyone take that away from you. 

Just learn to differentiate from having hope, to just holding onto something that is hurting you. Have strength, darlings.

Positivity and hope come hand in hand. I mean, you can't exactly be negative and be hopeful, right? Haha! It's why I keep those two words in my farewells. It's my two favorite words and feelings, sometimes it's hard to have those, so I have learned to hold them close to me, to cherish them.

Never let anyone crush your hope, they don't have the control, you do. Never stop believing in hope, for sometimes, that's all you have.