Saturday, April 11, 2015

Welcome to my blog.

Hello and welcome to my little blog. To be honest, I don't know how quite to start this off, I've never really did know how to start things like this. Ever. I've always been the type to say that I will, but as I tried at the beginning, there were always things that blocked me off, a sort of self-sabotage, you could say.

I've tried many times to try and start up a blog for myself, I've tried countless times to write in a journal, even if it wasn't a daily thing, but just enough to fill up a notebook in time, but nope! I never could. I've always either stopped before I even began, or stopped just as I started.
A notebook's first pages were filled, then it was just used as scrap paper.
Sites were made up, but with how much I loath to admit that I am horrible at web design and figuring things out online, it never started up, I'm very particular with design, it needs to be just so with the right colors and right fonts and the right sort of "decoration." So it was always hard for me to stick with it if sites didn't satisfy my tastes.

But I decided, not today, not this site and the notebook I have? I'll fill it up more than any other notebook I've ever had in my life. Even if it's just filled with Tarot spreads, Readings or just random thoughts. I want to see how I grow, I want to come back and experience and re-live the time I had, the feelings I had and to know that I've GROWN from that. That I matured, that I changed or how much I haven't changed, to see what I've improved on or what I could improve on more.
I want to see all of that. I want to see the stupid, the immaturity, the ridiculousness, but I also want to see the insight, the maturity, the wisdom I'll have and gain and I want to see the heart and soul I have in my young life on this blog. In that notebook. Even just a little.

Let me give you a small story, I've tried making up a site on wordpress before this, I had to delete it because I didn't like the site and in a fit of frustration, (after spending 5 hours working on said site and researching on how to customize the damn thing.) I had the account and site deleted, along with the NEXT site I made.... On blogger. It is why I have the name and url of "LunaOracleBLOG" instead of simply just "LunaOracle" but I guess it's not so bad. It's still my name and I guess it gives my blog a little more "oomph", no? Heh.

I've put some blood, sweat and tears on this site so far, and I haven't even made one post yet! Haha. So, I've made this site to fit my tastes, just so and I'm happy with it for the most part. It fits my style, my personality and my tastes. I'm satisfied and I'm happy. Hopefully this will further help me motivate myself into writing more for this baby of mine. To help it grow and flourish......
Who am I kidding, I just want to come back in a year's time and see how many posts I'll make and be all giddy at how many they are and just enjoy going through it all and seeing all the funny, stupid and fond things I've said and done and wrote.

This is it for now, darlings. I'm all tuckered out and I've wrote a quite a bit, tonight.
I just want to say, this is not just simply a blog for me, this is a journey of self-improvement and self-love. I'm writing for myself and myself alone. I'm writing done my thoughts, my feelings and my opinions, both good and bad, because I'm human and I'm a writer and this best expresses who I am and how much better I can be and how I can become.
But I know I'm not alone in that respect, and I'm glad! I also know there will be some people who will stumble upon my blog, read and browse through, they'll either like it or they won't or they'll just forget about it and that's okay. I just hope for one thing; that they take something with them, whether it be a certain thing I said and wrote, that can help them or make them feel better, that will help them improve and help them in their life journey. I want to show you that there's always something better in life, that you can always improve and love yourself, no matter what. That there's always room for loving others and yourself. Your heart is big enough for it all. I also want you all to know that we're all human, we make mistakes, we make bad choices and decisions, we hurt others and ourselves, whether we like it or not, and it's okay as long as we improve and have the balls to say when we're wrong and that we can become better and do our very  best to not repeat our mistakes.
There's always something to be positive about in our lives, as long as we keep an open mind and an open heart.
I guess what I want to say is I just hope some people can take away something from my life, from this blog and keep it in their hearts, no matter how small it is and even if they don't remember where they got it from.
I want to share love, life and positivity with you all. Even if it's a little, I'm happy.

I'll see you all on the flip side, darlings.

With love, hope and positive energies I want to say:
Welcome to my life.