Monday, April 20, 2015

2.) Luna's Reflections - RWS: 2 of Cups

In Tarot, the 2 of Cups, is a card of Connection and Union between two people.
It could be business, friendship or even romantic. This card is usually a card signifying two people in harmony together, syncing up their energies and also a deep connection... Or a beginning one.

Today I'll be talking and delving into the Connection between people. Between friends mainly. I think.... Whatever my ramblings will head to, I guess. Moving on.

I thought about this for a while, isn't it interesting to be able to have a deep, meaningful and just insightful talk with someone? Doesn't it feel refreshing?

It's been an awful while since I've had a deep, meaningful conversation with any of my friends. Since my Hermit Phase has come, it makes it harder and harder. The deepest conversations I've had, weirdly enough, has been with myself. When I try to plan on what next to add to my... Well, the best way to call it is my "Series". I think deeply of the cards, trashing ideas, storing some ideas away and I get a topic, card or theme and make sure I have 2 or 3 fall back plans that interest me in case I get no inspiration to write or feel any grounded interest on the original idea. I currently have 3 ideas to use on this particular Series. Interestingly enough.

You know what? It's the simple pleasures in life that makes life worth living half of the time. Those small, random and sometimes even insignificance memories makes it all the more memorable.
Here's what I mean; when I was younger, I remember talking nearly every night with my best friend. She and I would just talk of the most randomest stuff. I don't even have the faintest idea as to what it was. It's been so long ago, we were so young. I remember us even color coordinating our clothes for the next day so we could match or even look good. Blue for me, Yellow for her. I remember that.
Thinking about that makes me wish and yearn to re-live my childhood again, just for a bit. To remember and feel those emotions I had, it makes me chuckle at how clueless and obnoxious I was as a child. Embarrassing but still kind of funny. Heh.

Anyway, back on point!
I've been thinking lately on the subject of deep conversations. It's been so few and far in between since the last time I've had any sort of deep conversation with anyone, it's quite sad, really. You never know how refreshing and exhilarating it is. For me, it's the connection, the feelings way deep inside that connects us. In my own description of it, it feels like being on the same page, reading the same book and synchronizing so much, you're reading it word for word, sentence for sentence. You can't help but smile and just nod enthusiastically and say "Yes! Yes! That's it! That's exactly it!" and afterwards, you can't help but smile more and think of your conversation. It keeps popping up in your mind for a long time to come.

I think it's even more amazing to bond over that type of connection with a near complete stranger.
I'm young, not even a full grown adult to some people, but I'm not also a child. Funny, how that works.
My interests are few and far in between, I'm the 4 of Cups most of the time when it concerns my interest. Nothing holds my attention long. So when I met someone who shared my love and passion and interest in Tarot: That lived close to me, was almost the same age as me and  connected with me on a deeper level? I was like "YESSSSSSSS! FINALLY!" the thing is though, it was more than that, in a way. Emotionally, we were on fairly stable ground. We had a lot in common in that sense. I could interpret my friend's feelings as if they were my own, in the sense I understood my friend's plights and problems and their feelings behind their actions and as to why they felt like that. It was very eerie to be able to do, I feel.

After a short time of knowing each other, we would meet regularly and it felt like we knew each other faaaaar longer than we did. It was amazing, to have a friend like that. We had numerous deep conversations about Tarot, we did readings and we interpreted it together, when we wanted advice or another Reader's opinion, we went to each other. We studied the cards together and we learned together. Tarot was what brought us together and I guess, in a way, Tarot is what connected us to this day, not that it's a bad thing. Even without Tarot, I would still be there, I would still be their friend, no matter what. I would still care for them deeply.
So many late night chats, so many sessions where we would just squealed and gushed over Tarot... But alas, the excitement wore off, the anticipation went away and we came away with a routine.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my friend. I really do and I care for them deeply. I just knew it was too good to last for long and I accept it. Sometimes it happens and it's okay. It happens in relationships all the time, Romantic or otherwise. The thing is, to always be open to each other and make the effort to keep strong together. To make time for each other, to help each other, to be there to lean on when the other person needs it. To trust and care for each other.

Every relationship is a two-way street. Remember that.
We give because we care, we take not to simply take. We give not to simply give, but because we want to. We take because we know it's that other person's way of showing they care.

Every relationship is unique and special. A relationship, friendship, is like a garden filled with flowers and plants, you have different kinds of flowers and plants in your garden. Each representing a relationship or friendship, they all look so different, but you care for them the same, maybe some more than others, but the care is still there. Sometimes you need to water them only a few times, their care only a bare minimum, some others need more tending to and it's okay to tend to them more. Others can be just right. Sometimes it fluxes and the ones with the bare minimum need more attention, and the ones who needed so much attention before doesn't need any tending to for a while. And the others that are "just right"? They can flux between either state.
In the end, you're fine with doing all that, because you care and love each of those relationships you've tended to.
Sometimes though, you forget to tend one or two of your plants and flowers, your relationships. Sometimes it wilts away and no matter how much you tend to it now, it will still wilt and die. You will mourn, sure, but you will still move on.
Others though, there are others that are like weeds or just plain poisonous to you, sometimes you wouldn't even notice them. They can wrap around your healthy flowers and choke the life out of them and you.
Such poisonous type of people will go out of their way to suck the life out of you and you wouldn't even notice, some will be like weeds and they will go out of their way to ruin your garden. Sometimes they will succeed, but hopefully most times they will fail.
You need to learn to cut away such weeds. To be able to remove poison. And to be able to take care of your garden properly.

Each and every relationship is special, even the weeds and poisonous ones, they help you grow, to mature and to experience life better.

Relationships... Such fickle things. They can be there for a life time, but will the quality be any good? They can be temporary, but mean so much in that short time. They can be deep and meaningful or they can be carefree and easy-going. So unique and sometimes so hard to care for. Whether it's a new relationship or an old one, it's always gonna be hard. Though I have to say, there are some relationships that are just so easy to be in, to handle, it almost seems like a sin. I don't know whether there are just plain exceptions to the rule... Or it can just mean that it's only for now that there hasn't been a rough patch to cross for them. Heh.

I've written a damn long post. I hope you guys enjoy this! I've never been good at organizing my thoughts or ramblings. Haha!

This was an interesting subject to hit upon, I'll probably get back to this later to further touch upon the subject again. I've been too rambly on this.

With love, hope and positive energies

- Luna