Sunday, April 12, 2015

Card(s) of the day - Dark Fairytale Tarot

I was planning to do just one card spread, but as I was shuffling, halfway through before I felt I was done, three cards slipped out and laid face first on my lap. I decided to read them since I felt a resonance with them.

I used the Dark Fairytale Tarot, I bought this deck around half a year ago and haven never used it since.
It is made by Lo Scarabeo.

The cards were, in order: The Hermit, The Star, The Fool.

Hermit: Today I will be spending time on my own, and I have been spending a lot of time on my lonesome. In the picture, we see a hooded figure, but in this particular card, the Hermit is turning sideways to stare right at us, or at least, past us. At first you'd think it was a woman with long white hair, but if you look deeper, this "woman" has a beard. A flowing, white beard. I was kind of surprised by this, as I said before, I never used this deck much but a few times.
As I look deeper into this card, I feel as if it is asking me to look deeper within myself, not only that, but to make a balance with my male and female side, to make a perfect balance between mind and heart, soul and body.
With the high, snowy mountain in the background, and the cold snow surrounding him and his lone wolf companion, I feel like it is asking me of be more level-headed and to be methodical in my personality, to not allow myself to panic and drown myself in my feelings.

Star: With such an otherworldly scene before us, millions and billions of stars above us, we instead focus on what's before us, a lake that is reflecting the gorgeous lights in the sky. An angel sitting by her lonesome with an elegant silver jug, not the usual two jugs, and she is pouring the water on what looks like the rock in front of her, not directly onto the lake itself.
This is an interesting intuitive take on the Star card, what is usually a card of Hope, Miracles and Wish Fulfillment, I see this card as a nurturing card, first and foremost.
I can imagine her watering a hard, cold and dry rock, the fact this angel is pouring water onto the rock signifies that something in my life needs to be rejuvenated. To be able to let that part of ourselves shine like the stars above and for what is inside to be healed and revived.

Fool: Ye old stumbling, bumbling fool. Naive, immature and not very experienced. That's what we come to know him as, but he is also so much full of potential, the potential to grow and improve and be everything and whoever he can be. The potential is always there.
Here I see her with a mask of a fool. Blank faced but with the jingling bells of a hat, customary for the fool. There is a sort of hidden wisdom behind this particular fool. Hiding behind a mask for so long, maybe I've forgotten something about myself..? Forgotten an experience and the lessons I've learned throughout my life?
With the red background, the dark, red burning sky above the fool and the roses in her hands: Passion
Have I lost my passion? Have I spent so much time being someone else... I've lost something so precious to me as that?

Final Thoughts:
The fact that all three cards jumped out are of significance, but not only that, having three Major Arcana cards pop up in a reading means that this is a "Major" part of my life that will have some sort of change or significance to me.
This will be the type of change or major occurrence that will happen in recent times as well as it being more internal, than external, with how the cards are being shown. Hermit, Star and Fool. Lone figures.

*Sighs* This bodes more questions than answers.

Anyway, thanks for reading and take care!

I'll see you on the flip side, darlings.

With love, hope and positive energies

- Luna