Monday, April 20, 2015

Post Updates!

Gosh! I haven't posted anything in the past few days. So sorry! Been out of town and haven't had the proper inspiration to write anything as of late. I've had a few ideas floating around for my post "Series" and now I finally wrote one up! I'm hoping to at least post once a day, even if it's just a quote pertaining to one of the cards in the Tarot. Or even with an Oracle [will need to start working with my oracle cards to make that happen though.....]
It's so frustrating, so many ideas up in my head, yet I've neither found the inspiration to write them down, had the heart to write or even found a way out of procrastination [*cough* Laziness *cough*] to write anything down. My head has such a block to it. It's not even writers block! At least, I don't think it is... Hmm.
Tarot is just too interesting.

Anyway! That's all for this update. I don't even know if there are any people reading, but still, being able to update for anyone who reads on my blog is nice. C:

With love, hope and positive energies

- Luna.