Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Intro to an amazing group I'm in!

I'm Luna Oracle, I recently started doing a blog, a first ever for me, it's mostly Tarot related but mainly just about me and my thoughts.

Tarot has been something I've loved for nearly a year, it's something that helped me cope with some things over the past year and I have to say, Tarot makes me happy. It helps me express myself and it gets my mind going.

Right now I'm using Tarot as an exercise to help me with my writing and to get pent up energy released. In real life I'm very much the Hermit but I've always wanted to be the Empress, nurturing, loving and wanting to help others to grow. I don't always get the chance to do so however, so I'm learning now to accept and further pursue my "Hermit" phase in my life. c:
There is one thing I've always believed in: There will always be meaning behind an action. Subconscious or not.

Now why would I choose the Tower? It's such a scary card! The Tower is crumbling, everything you've worked hard for or have ever known has crumbled beneath your feet.
I've always felt like I needed to rebuild myself. Change friends, change locations, change myself. I admit, that's not a good thing to do, but sometimes it's needed. Sometimes you need to destroy, to find out what's truly inside. Sometimes you need to destroy... To start over a better beginning.
The breaking down of walls between people, of seeing each other in a new light, good or bad. Of deepening the connection because you chose to let the walls down so you can better get to know each other deeply. That's beautiful.

To be honest, I've always loved symbology, learning the meaning behind things and learning how to interpret that. It's why I loved psychology, body language and the like. I love the idea of knowing what goes behind a person's actions, feelings and thoughts, just for the sole reason of finding it fascinating, as humans, to be able to be so different, yet so the same.
Now for my favorite card: It is the Tower from the Dreaming Way Tarot.

I chose the Dreaming Way Tarot because I've always found this particular Tower card, the most impeccable, most beautiful and most well made Tower I've ever felt such a connection to.