Monday, April 13, 2015

1.) Luna's Card Quotes - Wisdom of the House of Night: Honesty.

Today I used my new Wisdom of the House of Night Oracle.
I got.... The Honesty Card!

To be honest, I got nothing out of this card. I mean, the art is beautiful, the card's meaning that it's trying to portray? It slips over my head.
But the word "Honesty" it really got my head moving because the other day I stumbled upon this quote that really moved my soul.

"I think people would be happier if they admitted things more often. In a sense we are all prisoners of some memory, or fear, or disappointment - we are all defined by something we can't change." -Simon Van Booy, The Illusion of Separateness.

This quote really moved me for the fact we not only refuse to be honest about our feelings or about ourselves, we hide behind masks, we make up persona's about ourselves to other people, but also because  it's one thing to be honest, it's another thing to be honest and hurting other people.
When we're being honest, ask yourself this "Will this help someone improve? Will this help me? Is this needed to be said? Can this hurt someone? If it does, is it worth it?"
If you do end up hurting someone with your honesty, own up to it. Talk to them, communicate and speak openly about your feelings and their own. This is why we have mouths and hearts, you know! C:
Sometimes we need to be blunt and end up hurting someone, even if we don't want it to happen. So learn to be gentle and sensitive, communicate with them and help them. Listen to them.

Respect them and their feelings, be sensitive to their feelings and be sincere.

With love, hope and positive energies

- Luna